Switch to greener energy and get rewarded this Big Energy Saving Week

Switch to greener energy and get rewarded this Big Energy Saving Week

We've partnered with Your Co-op Energy, powered by Octopus, to empower our Members to switch to renewable energy and make a meaningful impact in our communities this Big Energy Saving Week.

Big Energy Saving Week aims to raise awareness around energy efficiency and the steps we can take to reduce carbon emissions and lower energy costs, particularly during the colder months. Our partnership with Your Co-op Energy offers our Members practical solutions to achieve these goals - helping individuals to reduce their energy bills, access financial support and adopt energy-saving measures.

Central Co-op Members who switch to Your Co-op Energy before the 31st of January will receive £10 loaded onto their Membership card to spend in-store. To qualify, Members simply must enter their Central Co-op Membership number when signing up.[1]

Your Co-op Energy offers a range of tariffs, including Fixed, Flexible and Community Power - the UK’s only 100% community-run renewable energy tariff. Each option allows households to make a positive environmental impact while enjoying competitive rates.

Your Co-op Energy’s commitment to sustainability goes beyond providing renewable energy. The energy provider sources power from over 250 community energy projects across the UK. These initiatives, owned and operated by local communities, generate clean energy through solar panels, wind turbines and hydroelectric systems, and profits from these projects are reinvested into local initiatives, such as nature conservation efforts and home insulation programs for disadvantaged areas.

Gillian Trickitt, Membership Manager at Central Co-op, comments: “We’re excited to partner with Your Co-op Energy to offer our Members the chance to make a positive environmental impact while also saving on their energy bills. Big Energy Saving Week is the perfect time to raise awareness for energy efficiency, and we’re proud to provide a practical solution for our Members to switch to renewable energy and support community projects across the UK.”

For information on Your Co-op Energy, visit energy.yourcoop.coop/. Details on Central Co-op’s Member benefits, including the Your Co-op Energy £10 reward, see membership.centralengland.coop/membership/member-benefits.

[1] This reward applies exclusively to new customers switching online to Your Co-op Energy and excludes current Octopus Energy customers.