Research reveals shoppers went flippin’ crazy for Pancake Day last year to lift lockdown gloom

Research from Central England Co-op stores in run-up to Pancake Day last year released ahead of this year's event.

Research reveals shoppers went flippin’ crazy for Pancake Day last year to lift lockdown gloom

Millions of people are expected to dig out the frying pan again next week with some pancake flipping fun after new research reveals the pandemic sparked a record rush for ingredients 12 months ago.

Ahead of this year’s Pancake Day on March 1, the retailer has revealed data on shopping habits related to the annual event and which toppings have been finding their way into shopper’s baskets in recent years.

Last year Pancake Day fell during a period of national lockdown caused by the Covid-19 pandemic and the data suggests more people than ever took the opportunity to enjoy the sweet treats as they looked for a lockdown lift and for something to do in the safety of their own homes.

The research reveals a huge growth last year in shoppers going for the convenient option for their pancakes with ready-made mixes and pancakes proving hugely popular.

Central England Co-op stores sold 4,700 bottles of Co-op Pancake Shaker Mix in the run-up to last year’s event – a massive increase of 340% year on year, with Co-op Sweet Pancakes also on the rise by 200% year on year.

However, the biggest jump was in Co-op Pancake and Batter Mix with 6,000 more packs sold than the year before, an increase of an incredible 800%.

There was also strong growth across the retailer’s eggs and flour ranges as well as people went for a more homemade attempt, however it was the ready-made options that proved most popular.

In terms of toppings, the research reveals that chocolate spread was the go-to accompaniment for most shoppers as they looked for something decadent to lift their spirits during lockdown.

Sales of Nutella Hazelnut Chocolate Spread were up by 300% compared to 2020, while elsewhere for toppings there were still many who settled on the more traditional favourites with Central England Co-op stores selling twice as many lemons than it would on average, over 9,000 sold, up by 200% on the previous year.

Store Manager Brad Tuckfield said: “Pancake Day is always a favourite with our shoppers, but the circumstances last year meant more people than ever were flocking to us to get their ingredients to enjoy some pancake flipping fun and lift the lockdown gloom.
“This year we again have everything you could need to make sure your Pancake Day celebrations go off with a bang, from base ingredients and equipment to tantalising toppings and ready-made mixes so pop down to your local Central England Co-op and see what we have on offer.”

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