New Strategy for MCC's
During December and January, lots of on-line meetings and planning events have been taking place to review our Membership & Community Strategy. Some of our key themes have been adapted, and agreed by the Board, and with a little bit of tweaking, the Southern MCC have a new plan to deliver.
The key themes are: 1. Education, Recreation & Culture, 2. Health and Well-being, 3. Pathways to Participation, 4. Sustainable Communities and 5. Young People.
Under the first theme, we are particularly keen to support our member groups and courses returning, once it is safe to do so, and look for opportunities where we can support diverse groups. Under the second theme, we are keen to support intergenerational activities, outdoor events, and work with health partners across the region. Under the third theme, we are again keen to work with our diverse communities and support local events. Under the fourth theme, we want to support the business with their target to be carbon neutral by 2030 and share information on how we can all make changes to reduce our carbon footprint. And finally under the 5th theme, we want to continue our work in schools and engage with new organisations for young people and educate them about our co-operative difference, our values and principles, and being an ethical and responsible retailer.