Local Area Partnership Meetings
Andrea Rudge, Southern Membership & Community Council member, and myself have been invited by North Northants Council to a number of meetings across the region to look at local area partnerships. The meetings have also been attended by the police and care providers, schools, and churches etc. The purpose of the partnerships is to:-
Build a relationship with communities and supporting living their best life
Community involvement and engagement at the heart of improving health and wellbeing
Grasping opportunities together to improve areas, peoples lives, and to meet the local needs.
Local community design and doing through improved understanding of the communities.
Health services, care services and wider public health services, integrated at local level to focus on the needs to the community.
The next steps are to engage with the local communities around their wants and needs and where there needs to be more support. We have already started to make plans at one of the venues where we have provided vouchers for a mother and tots group and a Big Chef Little Chef cooking group, and we will also be delivering our healthy choices workshops early in the New Year. We will also be looking to work with our funeral team with grief chats and providing support and activities for health and wellbeing.
We are very grateful to be part of this work and to be able to offer support with local community engagement.