Funeral & MCC Supporting The Big Green Week

In Market Harborough today, we joined our funeral colleagues to promote our eco-funerals. We have seen a rise in our members and clients wanting to plan and organise their own funerals, with many thinking about the impact on the environment.
With this is mind, it was a great opportunity to set up in the square in Market Harborough where we displayed our electric hearse, our wonderful horses and carriage and our new plant-able orders of service. We also welcomed Willow along to talk about natural burials. The MCC promoted our Fairtrade wine and chocolate to raise awareness of the importance of supporting farmers and producers in third world countries, and of course, it tastes good too! We also had a Fairtrade hamper, to help raise funds for the Society's charity, Dementia UK.
The engagement from the community was fantastic, with many people showing interest in a more environmentally funeral, and took the time to share their wishes too.
If you missed the event and what to know more, pop in to any of our Central England Funeral Homes and our expert colleagues will be happy to talk to you about any aspect of funerals.