Coronation Celebrations
Communities Together East Anglia (CTEA) is a county-wide Suffolk charity committed to reducing loneliness and social isolation. This is done through a number of different projects including Connecting Communities, community transport service, our very popular BeAFriend service, Community Connect - running a telephone advice service 365 days a year, our Digital offer – helping individuals to get online and our programme of community based activities and events – Community Cuppa, Chinwag & You’re Welcome – a wonderful opportunity to connect and share a cuppa and cake.
Friday May 5th at the Carlton Colville Community Cuppa, Uplands Community Centre in Lowestoft– Our Eastern MCC & Funeral Colleagues came together with CTEA to deliver an amazing Community Coronation Celebration. The Teas & Coffees were flowing with the wonderful help of our Funeral Colleagues Alison & Ian. Coronation fruit kebabs with Gemma, myself & Lisa. A super sing along & dancing with all participants including the amazing children from Uplands Pre-school. The children decorated crowns to give to the older people of Lowestoft who attended, which was delightful to see their faces.