Central England Co-operative teaches youngsters about their Healthy Choices in Birmingham
Last week I was invited into Wyndcliffe Primary School to deliver three Healthy Choices Workshops with their Year 4 students.
During the three sessions I spoke to the students about the importance of '5 a Day' and what is and isn't included. The students were amazed that potatoes did not count in their '5 a Day'. We also spoke about portion sizing, food labels and the 'Eatwell Guide'. The students learnt how eating a healthy balanced diet is not just about eating healthy fruit and vegetables, but by eating a balanced diet consisting of many food groups.
After each of the sessions, the students were invited to make fruit kebabs, this fun activity not only allows the students to have some fun but also eat some different fruits, backing up the message that mixing fruits, vegetables and colours is always best in a healthy '5 a Day' diet.
After the three sessions I was thanked by the teachers and asked if I could come back and talk to the whole school about Fairtrade, which I will be doing soon