CEC Member Groups...more than just dancing!

Today I visited our Folk Dancing group in Birmingham to see how they are and talk to them about their group and what it means to them. I found out it means more than just dancing.
The group has 12 dedicated members who under the calling of Neil spend an hour and a half each week dancing to tunes they know, but also learning new dances. This group is not only about dancing but also about spending time together.
Folk Dancing member Barbara told me: "I come because of the exercise and it helps with my mental health as I’m having to remember steps. I also attend as the people who are here are very welcoming and I have made new friends from the group."

David also spoke to me and told me why he attends the group: "I feel very lucky that Central England Co-op puts this activity on for me as a member. It helps me keep fit as the hour and a half a week I attend gives me physical exercise and gets me out of the house. With folk dancing it helps me as I’m having to use my mind to remember the steps."

Our Folk Dancing group meet every Tuesday at the Polish Centre in central Birmingham at 1.30pm. Everyone is welcome and you don't have to have a partner to attend. For more information please go along to the group or email me at member.community@centralengland.coop