Bottesford Primary School Learns about Fairtrade in French
Following on from one of our Fairtrade assemblies, children from Bottesford C of E Primary School have continued to learn about Fairtrade, with a twist. Teacher, Mrs Mills, came up with the idea of a lesson plan to combine their French lessons with learning the equivalent word for some of our Fairtrade Co-op products sold in our stores.
We were so impressed with the time and effort that the children have put into their school work, that we have popped a voucher in the post so that they can have a lovely Fairtrade treat on us!
Here is what Mrs Mills had to say......................
"It was good to have a chance to talk about Fair Trade with them and to know that the Coop in our village is so good at stocking Fair trade items.... they already knew about a lot of these, thanks to the links our school has had with your store.
Many thanks again for your support in the past and yes, we would really like to keep the links going next year please!"
Best wishes
Liz Mill (on behalf of the school)