Summer of fun at the Community Games

Summer of fun at the Community Games

Although the weather this year has been less than perfect, the sun shone at the community games in Lichfield and Sutton Coldfield.

The community games delivers fun activity for young people to allow the opportunity for different sports and activity to be tried, and even tried for the first time.

The types of activity available for young people, and those older (young at heart) people to try ranged from football, rugby, hockey, golf, tai kwon do, archery, tennis, and lots more. The membership and community team in the western region once again bought long cricket to try alongside our healthy offering of fruit and health based activity, which included an Eatwell Guide puzzle.

During the day it Lichfield and the two days at Sutton members of the western MCC interacted with over 400 young people and their families around healthy choices, eating more healthily, and having fun with sport activity through the cricket games we played.

It was great to see so many young people try their hand and playing fun cricket, and the young a heart having a go and taking part with their families.

Being a member of Central Co-op and shopping with us allows us to take part in these types of activity that help support our communities. For more information on member and community activity, please email