Community Cooking Session Takes Place in Burton-on-Trent

Community Cooking Session Takes Place in Burton-on-Trent

Central Co-op Western Membership and Community Council teamed up with colleagues from Trent & Dove Housing to deliver a community cooking session for members of the community in Burton-on-Trent. This session was the first of six, which aims to promote healthy cooking skills through cost efficient meals prepared in a slow cooker.

The first session, held at 181 Community Café in Winshill, which is operated by Trent & Dove Housing as a Community Café, Community Fridge, and Warm Spaces venue, was delivered by Alan, from Trent & Dove and myself.

The recipe we chose was a Bolognese Pasta Sauce recipe that is cooked in a slow cooker. The six sessions that are taking place in Burton-on-Trent are all recipes that can be cooked in a slow cooker, and for any attendee that takes part in the sessions, a slow cooker is donated to them if they don't have one, thanks to Trent & Dove Housing.

The sessions started with a talk to attendees on the reason why we're doing this project and why Central Co-op and Trent & Dove Housing are working together to deliver this. We then showed everyone what ingredients were being used and how to safely chop and prepare them for the recipe. Attendees were given a take away container, and all the ingredients, so they could cook the recipe at home the following day, with the ingredients funded by Central Co-op Membership and Community Council.

Once all the prep work had been complete, it was time to taste the meals. everyone had the chance to taste the food to help understand what can be created on a small budget with very easy prep time. While everyone was eating we discussed the cost of making the meal. The base recipe for four people was just a little over £3.00. Once either lentils of beef mince were added, the cost went up to just over £4.00, and £6.00 respectively. For a family of four this was agreed by all as very good value for money.

Whilst eating, it was great to sit and talk with the community about the workshop. The feedback was lovely to hear, with many saying that they would never have thought of using a slow cooker in the summer, as they thought it 'was just for winter'. A couple of attendees also commented that they would never have thought of using lentils in a recipe, but upon tasting, they will certainly be considering it for the future.

Following the completion of the session, everyone attending took home the items needed to recreate the recipe at home, and for those who needed one a new slow cooker.

Future sessions are taking place in Burton on Wednesday 28 August, Wednesday 4 September, and Wednesday 30 October. Please email or pop into 181 café in Winshill for more information on these sessions.